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Support Services Division

Major Mariluz Santana - Division Commander

2500 West Colonial Drive

Orlando, Florida 32804 

(407) 254-7479

The agency's Support Services Division is yet another one of its "behind the scenes" commands that clearly has a great deal on its plate.  The division manages several of the agency's critical support functions to include the Fleet Management Section, the Records and Identification Section, the Information Management Section, and the Accreditation/Facilities Security Section.

While the operational and enforcement endeavors of the Sheriff's Office are the cornerstone of its primary mission, Sheriff Mina would be the first to tell you that its community outreach programs, programs designed to interact with and serve children, and any opportunity to form a partnership with the citizens it serves are vital to its success in dealing with the community's crime issues. You will find a number of these programs operating under the Support Services Division including the agency's Youth Services Section. 

Youth Services Section

OSCO Deputy working with a child

The Orange County Sheriff's Office recognizes the importance of providing quality outreach services to youngsters for a very simple reason...  our children represent the future of our community.  Our Youth Services Section is committed to the agency's School Resource Officers, the MAGIC program, and several other agency programs targeting the county's juvenile population.

A partnership continues between the Orange County Sheriff s Office Youth Services Section and the Orange County School Board. Together they strive to provide a safe and secure learning environment. The Sheriff’s Office and the school system share the expenses to place deputies in the public school system. The uniqueness of a school setting enables the deputy to serve as a positive role model while interacting with the students in their daily environment. 

For the school year 2011, there were many instances that required the attention of law enforcement in and around the schools we serve. Some statistics that show the agency’s commitment to protecting our youth are as follows: 1,797 reports written, 710 arrests, 63 weapons confiscated, 30,356 student counseling sessions, 9,250 parent counseling sessions, 9,824 classroom presentations, 12,114 traffic and parking citations or warnings and 1,147 truant contacts.

Records/Identification Section

Orange County Sheriff Records Counter

The Records and Identification Section is an essential part of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. It consists of nine units employing a staff of sixty four civilians. The section is responsible for the storage, retrieval, dissemination and retention of criminal records.

The Records Counter Unit

This unit processes requests for reports from the public and other agencies. Reports are redacted per FSS 119 (Public Records) requirements. This unit also operates the Central Operations switchboard.

The Records Custodian Unit

This unit ensures that all personnel comply with records retention laws releasing reports in accordance with applicable laws. They handle seal and expunctions of criminal records as well as extensive record request from attorneys.

Document Imaging Unit

For several years the agency has been working towards becoming a paperless agency. Many of the handwritten or typed documents are now produced electronically. This unit is responsible for scanning all paper record documents into the system for ease of retrieval.

Report Review Unit

This unit reads, verifies and assembles all cases submitted to the State Attorney’s Office. They are responsible for tasking deputies for missing required information.

Victim and Volunteer Services

The agency's in-house volunteers, its Explorer post, The Citizens on Patrol program, the agency's Chaplains, and volunteers working in the Mounted Patrol barn and the mounted posse contribute thousands of man hours to the Orange Count Sheriff's Office.  If you would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities at the Sheriff's Office please visit the Volunteer Services section of our web site.

Fleet Management Section

The daunting task of procuring and maintaining the majority of vehicles used by the Sheriff's Office is the responsibility of the Fleet Management Section.   

Fleet Management is tasked with purchasing, maintaining and ultimately disposing of the Sheriff’s Office fleet of automobiles, trucks and other specialty vehicles. During this past year, Fleet Management completed 14,661 repairs on 2,104 pieces of equipment. The average yearly miles for an agency vehicle were 13,925 resulting in a total of 24,494,414 miles driven. Over 1.9 million gallons of fuel were purchased in 2011. With the use of outside vendors we were able to complete 3,100 oil change services, 121 tire repairs and 153 new vehicles equipped for assignment to agency members, allowing for less down time. 

And, when the section isn't buying and maintaining cars they are selling the agency's surplus vehicles.   During 2011, Fleet Management had two successful vehicle auctions netting the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and taxpayers $130,700.00. 

Fleet Management servicing OCSO vehicles

Quality Assurance

The Accreditation unit is the "quality control" branch for the Orange County Sheriff's Office. The unit is responsible for ensuring that the agency is in compliance with all of the standards required by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), and the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA). CALEA, the national accrediting organization, has 458 separate standards and CFA, the state accrediting body, has an additional 91 standards that our agency continuously demonstrates compliance. The unit gathers approximately 2,500 documents each year from various units to prove compliance with the established standards. The unit is also responsible for overseeing the maintenance, review, updating, and posting of General Orders, Special Orders, and Training Bulletins.

Review OCSO Policies

Staff Inspections
The Staff Inspections Unit conducts organizational component inspections, as well as special inspections directed by the Sheriff. An online satisfaction survey solicits public opinion of the agency and evaluates both the quality of service provided and community crime concerns. Based on the results, overall satisfaction with service remains constant while property-related crimes continue to be of most concern to survey respondents.

Take the Online Satisfaction Survey